How We Started
The Last Dons is an organization founded by a group of individuals who share the memories of a mutual friend, Jesse "Don" Harrison, as well as the responsibility of honoring his legacy. The Legacy of The Last Dons is built on the idea of being a blessing to others, and with this principle in mind, "We Ride for a Reason". Our love for motorcycles is only one avenue for us to fulfil this purpose: "We are not a Club. We are a Culture".
As a nonprofit organization, established in 2012 we operate solely through the monetary donations of the community, small business, and other fund raising events. We extend the opportunity for the community leaders as well as the community to come out and be apart of blessing others with The Last Dons Second Chance Scholarship or Sponsorship programs.

Why Support Us
The Last Dons, LLC is a nonprofit organization, which awards a recipient The Last Dons Seconds Chance Scholarship. This scholarship is awarded to a non-traditional student. By non-traditional, the student isn't a recent, within the last 2 years, high school graduate. Our scholarship is awarded to an individual who has had their share of adversity in the past. Our focus is on individuals who have been incarcerated, or have a criminal records, and are looking to turn their lives around. The Last Dons Second Chance Scholarship is just that, a second chance. The scholarship is to be put to use at a trade school of the recipient's choice, to allow for them to continue their education and make a career for themselves.